waiting in a serial as the spool reflect the queue operation. Demonstrate Printer Behavior in context of Queue.Subject to the Scenario implement the Pop and Push Using C++.

Printer Behavior in the Context of Queue

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>

class Printer {
    void pushJob(int jobNumber) {
        std::cout << "Job " << jobNumber << " added to the printer queue." << std::endl;

    void printJob() {
        if (jobQueue.empty()) {
            std::cout << "No jobs in the printer queue." << std::endl;
        } else {
            int jobNumber = jobQueue.front();
            std::cout << "Printing job " << jobNumber << "." << std::endl;

    std::queue<int> jobQueue;

int main() {
    Printer printer;



    return 0;


  1. We start by including the necessary headers, iostream and queue, which are needed for input/output and the queue data structure respectively.

  2. We define a class called Printer which will represent our printer object. Inside this class, we declare two member functions: pushJob and printJob.

  3. The pushJob function takes an integer parameter jobNumber and adds it to the end of the printer job queue using the push function of the std::queue data structure. We then print a message indicating that the job has been added to the printer queue.

  4. The printJob function first checks if the printer queue is empty using the empty function of the std::queue data structure. If the queue is empty, we print a message indicating that there are no jobs in the printer queue.

  5. If the queue is not empty, we retrieve the job number at the front of the queue using the front function of the std::queue data structure. We then remove the job from the front of the queue using the pop function of the std::queue data structure. Finally, we print a message indicating that the job is being printed.

  6. In the main function, we create an instance of the Printer class called printer.

  7. We then use the pushJob function of the printer object to add three jobs to the printer queue, with job numbers 1, 2, and 3.

  8. We then use the printJob function of the printer object four times. The first three calls to printJob will print the job numbers 1, 2, and 3 respectively, as they were added to the printer queue. The fourth call to printJob will print a message indicating that there are no jobs in the printer queue, as all the jobs have been printed and the queue is now empty.

  9. Finally, we return 0 to indicate successful execution of the program.