how to create a custom event in ue4 c++

To create a custom event in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new C++ class: Start by creating a new C++ class within your UE4 project. You can do this by right-clicking on the Content Browser and selecting "Create C++ Class." Choose the appropriate parent class for your custom event.

  2. Open the new class: Once the class is created, open it in your preferred code editor.

  3. Declare the custom event function: Inside the class's header file (.h), declare the custom event function. It should have a return type of "void" and can have parameters if needed. For example, you can declare a custom event called "MyCustomEvent" like this:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MyCategory")
void MyCustomEvent(int32 Param1, float Param2);
  1. Implement the custom event function: Switch to the class's source file (.cpp) and implement the custom event function. Use the macro "IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE" to define the function.
void MyClass::MyCustomEvent(int32 Param1, float Param2)
    // Custom event implementation here
    // You can add your desired functionality or code logic
  1. Bind the custom event to a Blueprint: To make the custom event accessible in Blueprints, you need to bind it. Open the Blueprint editor and find the "Graph" section. Right-click on the graph, search for "MyCustomEvent," and select it. Now you can use the custom event in your Blueprint graphs.

  2. Trigger the custom event: In your Blueprint graph or any other C++ code, you can call the custom event function using the "MyCustomEvent" node that you created in step 5. You can pass in any required parameters when calling the event.

That's it! You have successfully created a custom event in UE4 using C++. You can now use this event in your Blueprints or call it from other C++ code when needed. Remember to save and compile your code before testing your custom event.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.