c++ enum

An enum in C++ is a user-defined type that allows you to create a set of named values. It is often used to represent a set of related constants. Here are the steps to define and use an enum in C++:

Step 1: Define the enum To define an enum in C++, you use the enum keyword followed by the name of the enum type. Inside the enum, you list the names of the values you want to define, separated by commas. Each value is automatically assigned an integer starting from 0, unless you explicitly assign a value.

Step 2: Declare a variable of the enum type Once you have defined the enum, you can declare variables of that type. The syntax for declaring a variable of an enum type is similar to declaring variables of other types. You specify the enum type followed by the variable name.

Step 3: Assign a value to the enum variable To assign a value to an enum variable, you use the assignment operator (=) and one of the enum values. The enum values can be used just like any other constant.

Step 4: Use the enum variable You can use the enum variable in your code, just like any other variable. You can compare it with other variables, use it in expressions, pass it as a function argument, etc.

Step 5: Access the enum values To access the values of an enum, you use the enum type followed by the scope resolution operator (::) and the name of the value. This allows you to refer to the values without having to specify the enum type every time.

That's it! These are the steps to define and use an enum in C++. Enums can be useful for improving code readability and maintainability by providing meaningful names for related constants.