curl upload folder and subfolders

To upload a folder and its subfolders using the curl library in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary headers:
  2. curl/curl.h: This header file contains the necessary declarations for using the curl library.

  3. Initialize the curl library:

  4. Call the curl_global_init() function to initialize the curl library. This function must be called before using any other curl functions.

  5. Create a CURL handle:

  6. Declare a variable of type CURL* to hold the curl handle.
  7. Initialize the handle using the curl_easy_init() function.

  8. Set the required options:

  9. Use the curl_easy_setopt() function to set various options for the curl handle.
  10. Set the CURLOPT_UPLOAD option to 1 to enable uploading.
  11. Set the CURLOPT_READFUNCTION option to a custom callback function that will be called to read the data from the local files.
  12. Set the CURLOPT_READDATA option to a pointer to the structure containing the file information.

  13. Set the URL:

  14. Use the curl_easy_setopt() function to set the CURLOPT_URL option to the URL of the remote server where you want to upload the files.

  15. Perform the upload:

  16. Call the curl_easy_perform() function to start the upload process.
  17. This function will execute the request and transfer the data to the remote server.
  18. It will return a CURLcode value indicating the status of the request.

  19. Cleanup:

  20. After the upload is completed, clean up the resources by calling curl_easy_cleanup() to free the memory associated with the curl handle.

  21. Cleanup the curl library:

  22. Call curl_global_cleanup() to clean up the curl library resources.

By following these steps, you can upload a folder and its subfolders using the curl library in C++. Remember to handle any errors that might occur during the upload process and to ensure the proper permissions are set for the files and folders you want to upload.