composition namespaces c++

In C++, a namespace is a way to group related declarations together and avoid naming conflicts. It provides a method for organizing code and avoiding naming collisions between different libraries or modules.

To create a namespace in C++, you can use the "namespace" keyword followed by the desired namespace name. For example:

namespace MyNamespace {
    // code declarations and definitions go here

Inside the namespace block, you can define variables, functions, classes, and other entities just like you would outside of a namespace. However, these entities will be scoped to the namespace, meaning that they can be accessed using the namespace name followed by the scope resolution operator "::".

For example, if you have a function named "myFunction" inside the "MyNamespace" namespace, you can access it using the following syntax:


To use a namespace in your code, you can either use the fully qualified name with the scope resolution operator or introduce the namespace with the "using" directive.

Using the fully qualified name example:


Using the using directive example:

using namespace MyNamespace;

However, it is generally recommended to avoid using the "using" directive at the global scope to prevent conflicts with other namespaces.

Namespaces can also be nested within each other, allowing for further organization and hierarchy in your code. For example:

namespace OuterNamespace {
    // code declarations and definitions go here

    namespace InnerNamespace {
        // code declarations and definitions go here

In this example, the "InnerNamespace" is nested inside the "OuterNamespace", and its entities can be accessed using the scope resolution operator like this:


By using namespaces, you can better organize your code, prevent naming conflicts, and make your code more readable and maintainable.