Check whether the jth object is in the subset

To check whether the jth object is in a subset, you can use the following steps in C++:

  1. Initialize a boolean variable isInSubset to false. This variable will be used to store the result of whether the jth object is found in the subset.
  2. Iterate through the subset and compare each element with the jth object.
  3. If a match is found, set isInSubset to true and break out of the loop.
  4. After the loop, check the value of isInSubset. If it is true, then the jth object is in the subset. Otherwise, it is not.

Here is an example implementation:

bool isInSubset(const vector<int>& subset, int j) {
    bool isInSubset = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < subset.size(); i++) {
        if (subset[i] == j) {
            isInSubset = true;

    return isInSubset;

In this example, the function isInSubset takes a vector subset as input, which represents the subset of objects, and an integer j, which represents the jth object. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the jth object is in the subset.

The function iterates through the subset vector using a for loop. In each iteration, it compares the current element with the value of j. If a match is found, it sets isInSubset to true and breaks out of the loop.

After the loop, the function returns the value of isInSubset, which indicates whether the jth object is in the subset.

You can use this function to check whether the jth object is in a given subset by calling it with the subset and jth object as arguments.