c++ overloading by ref-qualifiers

C++ Overloading by Ref-Qualifiers:

  1. Introduction: Overloading by ref-qualifiers is a feature introduced in C++11 that allows you to overload member functions based on the value category (lvalue or rvalue) of the object on which the function is called. Ref-qualifiers are used to specify whether a member function can be called on lvalue references, rvalue references, or both.

  2. Value Categories: In C++, expressions can be classified into two value categories: lvalues and rvalues.

  3. Lvalues are expressions that refer to objects that persist beyond the expression in which they are used. Examples of lvalues include variables, named values, and objects with a name.

  4. Rvalues are expressions that are temporary and do not persist beyond the expression in which they are used. Examples of rvalues include literals, temporary objects, and the result of an expression.

  5. Ref-Qualifiers: Ref-qualifiers are added to member function declarations to specify the value category of the object on which the function can be called. There are two types of ref-qualifiers:

  6. & (ampersand): This qualifier indicates that the member function can be called on lvalue references. It means that the function can modify the object it is called on.

  7. && (double ampersand): This qualifier indicates that the member function can be called on rvalue references. It means that the function can be called on temporary objects or objects about to be destroyed.

  8. Overloading by Ref-Qualifiers: By using ref-qualifiers, you can overload member functions based on the value category of the object on which they are called. This allows you to provide different behavior for lvalue and rvalue objects.

  9. When a member function is overloaded based on ref-qualifiers, the compiler selects the appropriate function based on the value category of the object on which the function is called. If the object is an lvalue, the function with the & ref-qualifier is selected. If the object is an rvalue, the function with the && ref-qualifier is selected.

  10. Overloading by ref-qualifiers can be useful in scenarios where you want to provide different behavior for lvalue and rvalue objects. For example, you can have a member function that modifies the object when called on an lvalue reference, but performs a read-only operation when called on an rvalue reference.

  11. Example: Here is an example that demonstrates overloading by ref-qualifiers:

class MyClass {
  void doSomething() & {
    // This function is called on lvalue references
    // Modify the object

  void doSomething() && {
    // This function is called on rvalue references
    // Perform a read-only operation

int main() {
  MyClass obj1;
  obj1.doSomething();  // Calls doSomething() with `&` ref-qualifier

  MyClass().doSomething();  // Calls doSomething() with `&&` ref-qualifier

  return 0;

In this example, the doSomething() member function is overloaded based on the ref-qualifiers & and &&. When called on obj1, which is an lvalue, the function with the & ref-qualifier is selected. When called on a temporary object, the function with the && ref-qualifier is selected.

This allows you to have different behavior for lvalue and rvalue objects, providing flexibility and control over the usage of member functions.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.