after login redirect to dashboard in nuxt

// In your login component, after successful login:

// In your Nuxt.js page or layout, set up a middleware to check authentication:
// middleware/auth.js
export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
  // If the user is not authenticated, redirect to the login page
  if (!store.state.authenticated) {
    return redirect('/login');

// In your Nuxt.js page or layout where you want to use the middleware:
// pages/dashboard.vue
export default {
  middleware: 'auth'


  1. After a successful login in your C++ code (not shown here), you use the Nuxt.js router to redirect the user to the dashboard page (/dashboard).

  2. In your Nuxt.js project, you create a middleware file (auth.js) to handle authentication checks. This middleware checks if the user is authenticated by looking at the state stored in the Vuex store. If the user is not authenticated, it redirects them to the login page (/login).

  3. In the Nuxt.js page or layout where you want to apply the authentication check (in this example, the dashboard page), you import and use the auth middleware. This ensures that only authenticated users can access the dashboard page. If a user is not authenticated, they will be redirected to the login page.

Note: Make sure to adapt the code to fit the structure of your Nuxt.js project and authentication implementation. The provided code assumes that you have a Vuex store with an authenticated state to track user authentication status.