how initilaize deffult value to c++ class

You can initialize default values to a C++ class using various methods:

  1. Constructor Initialization Lists:
class MyClass {
    int value1;
    float value2;

    // Constructor with default parameter values
    MyClass(int v1 = 0, float v2 = 0.0f) : value1(v1), value2(v2) {}
  1. Default Member Initializers:
class MyClass {
    int value1 = 10;
    float value2 = 3.14f;
  1. Initialize Members in Constructor Body:
class MyClass {
    int value1;
    float value2;

    // Constructor initializing values in the body
    MyClass() {
        value1 = 5;
        value2 = 2.718f;

Each method allows you to set default values for class members. The first method uses a constructor initialization list, the second method initializes default values directly in the class definition, and the third method initializes values within the constructor body.