what is require to run min max function on linux in cpp

To run a C++ program using the min and max functions on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Install a C++ Compiler:sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install g++

  2. Create a C++ Source File: Create a file with a .cpp extension, for example, main.cpp.

  3. Write C++ Code: Open the file using a text editor and write your C++ code. For example: ```cpp #include #include

int main() { int a = 5, b = 10; std::cout << "Min: " << std::min(a, b) << std::endl; std::cout << "Max: " << std::max(a, b) << std::endl; return 0; } ```

  1. Save the File: Save the file after writing the C++ code.

  2. Compile the Code: Open the terminal and navigate to the directory containing your source file. Compile the code using: g++ -o myprogram main.cpp

  3. Run the Executable: After successful compilation, run the executable: ./myprogram

  4. View Output: You should see the output of your program, displaying the minimum and maximum values.

Ensure that you have a C++ compiler installed, create a source file with the appropriate extension, write your C++ code, compile it using g++, and execute the resulting program.