switch cout print with a prameter c++

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#include <iostream>

void printNumber(int num) {
    switch (num) {
        case 1:
            std::cout << "One";
        case 2:
            std::cout << "Two";
        case 3:
            std::cout << "Three";
            std::cout << "Number out of range";

int main() {
    int number = 2;
    return 0;

Explanation: - The program includes the iostream library for input and output operations. - The function printNumber takes an integer parameter num. - Inside the function, a switch statement is used to evaluate the value of num. - If num is 1, "One" is printed to the standard output using cout. - If num is 2, "Two" is printed. - If num is 3, "Three" is printed. - If num doesn't match any of the cases, "Number out of range" is printed. - In the main function, an integer variable number is initialized with the value 2. - The printNumber function is called with the number as the argument. - The program returns 0 to indicate successful execution.