assoc-right antlr

  1. Install ANTLR: Download and install ANTLR on your system by following the installation instructions provided on the official ANTLR website.

  2. Create Grammar: Define the grammar for your language using ANTLR's grammar notation, which includes rules for tokens, lexer rules, and parser rules.

  3. Generate Lexer and Parser: Use ANTLR to generate the lexer and parser classes based on the grammar you defined. This step will create the necessary Java code for parsing the input according to the defined grammar.

  4. Implement Actions: Define the actions to be performed during the parsing process, such as building the abstract syntax tree or performing semantic analysis.

  5. Integrate with C++: Integrate the generated lexer and parser classes into your C++ project by invoking them from your C++ code to parse and process the input according to the defined grammar.

  6. Test and Debug: Test the integration by parsing sample inputs and debugging any issues that may arise during the parsing and processing of the input.

  7. Refine and Optimize: Refine the grammar, actions, and integration as needed to optimize the parsing and processing of the input in your C++ project.