convert hex to decimal arduino

To convert a hexadecimal number to decimal in C++ for Arduino, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare a variable to store the hexadecimal number.
  2. Use the strtoul() function to convert the hexadecimal string to an unsigned long integer.
  3. Assign the converted value to the variable.
  4. Print the decimal value using the Serial.println() function.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the process:

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize Serial communication

void loop() {
  char hexString[] = "1A"; // Hexadecimal string to convert
  unsigned long decimalValue = strtoul(hexString, NULL, 16); // Convert hex to decimal
  Serial.println(decimalValue); // Print the decimal value

  delay(1000); // Delay for readability

In this example, the strtoul() function takes three arguments: - The first argument is the hexadecimal string that needs to be converted. - The second argument is set to NULL, which indicates that we don't need to store the remaining characters after the conversion. - The third argument is set to 16, which specifies that the input string is in hexadecimal format.

The converted decimal value is then stored in the decimalValue variable and printed using Serial.println().

Make sure to include the stdlib.h library at the beginning of your code to use the strtoul() function.