create dynamic variable c++

To create a dynamic variable in C++, you can make use of pointers and the new keyword. Here are the steps to create a dynamic variable in C++:

  1. Declare a pointer variable: Start by declaring a pointer variable of the desired data type. For example, if you want to create a dynamic integer variable, you can declare a pointer to an integer using the int* type.

  2. Allocate memory using the new keyword: Use the new keyword followed by the data type to allocate memory for the dynamic variable. For instance, if you want to create a dynamic integer variable, you can allocate memory using new int.

  3. Assign the memory address to the pointer variable: Assign the memory address returned by the new operator to the pointer variable. This can be done using the assignment operator =. For example, if you have a pointer variable ptr and you allocated memory for an integer, you can assign the memory address to ptr as ptr = new int.

  4. Access and use the dynamic variable: Since the dynamic variable is accessed through the pointer, you can use the pointer dereference operator to access and manipulate the value of the dynamic variable. For example, to assign a value to the dynamic integer variable, you can use ptr = 10.

  5. Deallocate the memory using the delete keyword: Once you are done using the dynamic variable, it is important to deallocate the memory to avoid memory leaks. Use the delete keyword followed by the pointer variable to deallocate the memory. For instance, to deallocate the memory of the dynamic integer variable, you can use delete ptr.

By following these steps, you can create a dynamic variable in C++ and manage its memory allocation and deallocation using pointers and the new and delete keywords.