Int main ( ) { int i,n; cin>>n; i=n; while(i>=1) { i=i+5; i=i-6; } }

The provided code is written in the C++ programming language and aims to demonstrate the concept of a while loop by performing a series of operations on a given input.

Explanation for each step:

  1. int i, n;: This line declares two integer variables, i and n, without assigning them any initial values.

  2. cin >> n;: This line prompts the user to enter a value, which will be stored in the variable n.

  3. i = n;: This line assigns the value of n to the variable i.

  4. while (i >= 1): This line begins a while loop that will continue executing the code inside the loop as long as the condition i >= 1 is true.

  5. {: This opening curly brace denotes the start of the code block that will be executed repeatedly as part of the while loop.

  6. i = i + 5;: This line adds 5 to the current value of i and assigns the result back to i.

  7. i = i - 6;: This line subtracts 6 from the current value of i and assigns the result back to i.

  8. }: This closing curly brace denotes the end of the code block that is part of the while loop.

After the execution of the code inside the while loop, the program will check the condition i >= 1 again. If it is still true, the code inside the loop will be executed again, repeating steps 6 and 7. This process will continue until the condition becomes false, at which point the program will exit the while loop and continue with the rest of the code, if any.

It's worth noting that the code as it is currently written will result in an infinite loop. This is because the value of i is incremented by 5 and then decremented by 6 inside the loop, which will never satisfy the condition i >= 1, causing the loop to continue indefinitely.