c++ throw index out of bound

In C++, throwing an index out of bounds error typically occurs when you try to access an element in an array or a container using an index that is outside the valid range.

Here are the steps that lead to a C++ program throwing an index out of bounds error:

  1. Declaring an array or a container: You start by declaring an array or a container, such as an int array or a vector.

  2. Assigning values: Next, you assign values to the elements of the array or container. This can be done using a loop, user input, or any other method.

  3. Accessing elements: At some point in your program, you try to access an element in the array or container using an index. For example, you might use the square bracket notation array[index] to access the element at the specified index.

  4. Checking the index: Before accessing the element, it's important to check if the index is within the valid range. This typically involves comparing the index against the size of the array or container. If the index is greater than or equal to the size or less than zero, it is considered out of bounds.

  5. Throwing an exception: If the index is out of bounds, you can use the throw keyword to throw an exception. This is done by using a special type of exception, such as std::out_of_range or a custom exception. The exception will be caught by an appropriate exception handler further up the call stack.

  6. Handling the exception: To handle the exception, you can use a try-catch block. Within the catch block, you can perform error handling operations, such as displaying an error message or taking corrective actions.

By following these steps, you can identify and handle index out of bounds errors in your C++ programs. Remember to always validate the index before accessing elements in an array or container to prevent such errors.