c++ linker input and output

When compiling and linking a C++ program, there are several steps involved. Let's go through each step and provide explanations:

  1. Preprocessing: In this step, the preprocessor modifies the source code before it is compiled. It handles directives like #include, #define, and #ifdef. The output of this step is a modified version of the source code.

  2. Compilation: The compiler takes the preprocessed source code and translates it into assembly language. It checks the syntax and semantics of the code and generates object code files (.obj or .o) for each source file. These object code files contain machine code instructions specific to the target platform.

  3. Linking: The linker takes the object code files generated during compilation and combines them into a single executable file. It resolves references to functions and variables, links with external libraries, and performs other necessary tasks to create a standalone executable. The output of this step is an executable file (.exe on Windows or without an extension on Unix-like systems).

  4. Input: During runtime, the executable file may require input from the user or from other sources. This input can be provided through command-line arguments, user prompts, or input files.

  5. Execution: Once the input is provided, the executable file is loaded into memory, and the program's code is executed. It follows the control flow defined in the code, performs computations, and produces output.

  6. Output: The program may produce output in various forms, such as printing to the console, writing to files, or displaying graphical user interfaces. The output depends on the specific functionality implemented in the program.

These are the main steps involved in the C++ compilation and linking process. Each step plays a crucial role in transforming the source code into a working program.