Polycarp found a rectangular table consisting of n rows and m columns. He noticed that each cell of the table has its number, obtained by the following algorithm "by columns": codeforces solution

The algorithm for numbering the cells of the rectangular table "by columns" can be explained step by step as follows:

Step 1:

Set a variable cnt to 1, which represents the current cell number.

Step 2:

Iterate through each column of the table using a loop, with the variable j representing the column index.

Step 3:

Within each column, iterate through each row of the table using another loop, with the variable i representing the row index.

Step 4:

Assign the current cell number cnt to the cell at the current row i and column j.

Step 5:

Increment the cell number cnt by 1.

Step 6:

Continue the loop until all cells of the table have been assigned a number.

The algorithm follows a "by columns" approach, meaning it assigns cell numbers in a column-wise manner. It starts from the top-left cell of the table, moves column by column, and assigns numbers to each cell until it reaches the bottom-right cell.

This algorithm ensures that each cell of the table receives a unique number, progressively increasing from 1 to the total number of cells in the table.