dream speedrun song mp4

To achieve a dream speedrun song in mp4 format using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use a C++ library like FFmpeg to handle the audio and video encoding.
  2. Open the input file (song) using the library.
  3. Set the desired parameters for the output file (mp4 format) such as video codec, audio codec, bitrate, and resolution.
  4. Initialize the video and audio streams for encoding the output file.
  5. Read the input file frame by frame and encode the video stream.
  6. Read the input audio samples and encode the audio stream.
  7. Write the encoded data to the output file.
  8. Release the resources and close the input and output files.

These steps will help you create a dream speedrun song in mp4 format using C++ with the necessary explanations for each step.