codeigniter 3 Configured database connection has cache enabled

The CodeIgniter framework allows you to configure a database connection with cache enabled. The following steps explain how to achieve this:

  1. Open the config.php file located in the application/config directory of your CodeIgniter project.
  2. Locate the $config['cache_query_string'] parameter and set it to TRUE. This enables the cache for database query strings.
  3. Locate the $config['cachedir'] parameter and set it to the desired cache directory path. CodeIgniter will use this directory to store the cached query strings.
  4. Open the database.php file located in the same application/config directory.
  5. Find the db array and locate the cachedir parameter. Set it to the same cache directory path you specified in the previous step.
  6. Locate the cache_on parameter within the db array and set it to TRUE. This enables caching for the database connection.
  7. Save both the config.php and database.php files.

Once you have completed these steps, your CodeIgniter application will have a database connection with cache enabled. This means that query strings will be cached, improving the performance of subsequent queries with the same string. The cache directory you specified will store these cached query strings.