check if input file is set codeigniter

To check if an input file is set in CodeIgniter, you can use the isset() function along with the $_FILES superglobal array. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Start by checking if the input file is set using the isset() function. This function checks if a variable is set and not null. In this case, we want to check if the $_FILES superglobal array contains the input file.

php if (isset($_FILES['input_file'])) { // Input file is set } else { // Input file is not set }

In the above code, input_file is the name of the input file field in the HTML form.

  1. Inside the if block, you can perform further validation or processing on the input file. For example, you can check the file size, file type, or move the file to a specific location.

```php if (isset($_FILES['input_file'])) { // Input file is set $file = $_FILES['input_file'];

   // Perform further validation or processing on the file
   if ($file['size'] > 0) {
       // File size is greater than 0
   } else {
       // File size is 0 or empty

   // Other processing steps...

} else { // Input file is not set } ```

In the above code, $file is a variable that holds the details of the input file. You can access various properties of the file, such as its size ($file['size']), name ($file['name']), type ($file['type']), etc.

  1. You can add additional checks or processing steps as per your requirements. For example, you can check the file type using the $_FILES['input_file']['type'] property, or move the file to a specific location using the move_uploaded_file() function.

```php if (isset($_FILES['input_file'])) { // Input file is set

   // Perform further validation or processing on the file
   if ($_FILES['input_file']['size'] > 0) {
       // File size is greater than 0

       // Check the file type
       $allowedTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'];
       if (in_array($_FILES['input_file']['type'], $allowedTypes)) {
           // File type is allowed

           // Move the file to a specific location
           move_uploaded_file($_FILES['input_file']['tmp_name'], '/path/to/destination/folder/' . $_FILES['input_file']['name']);

           // Other processing steps...
       } else {
           // File type is not allowed
   } else {
       // File size is 0 or empty

   // Other processing steps...

} else { // Input file is not set } ```

In the above code, $allowedTypes is an array that contains the allowed file types. You can modify this array as per your requirements.

By following these steps, you can check if an input file is set in CodeIgniter and perform further validation or processing on the file if needed.