matplotlib get figure size

To get the figure size in matplotlib using the C language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header files:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <matplotlib.h>
  1. Initialize the figure object:
  1. Import the necessary modules:
PyObject* matplotlib = PyImport_ImportModule("matplotlib");
PyObject* pyplot = PyObject_GetAttrString(matplotlib, "pyplot");
  1. Create a figure:
PyObject* figure = PyObject_CallMethod(pyplot, "figure", NULL);
  1. Get the figure size:
PyObject* figure_size = PyObject_GetAttrString(figure, "get_size_inches");
  1. Convert the figure size to a C array:
double size_array = (double) PyArray_DATA(figure_size);
  1. Access the width and height values:
double width = size_array[0];
double height = size_array[1];
  1. Print the figure size:
printf("Figure size: %.1f x %.1f\n", width, height);
  1. Clean up and release memory:

Remember to include the necessary error handling and exception checking throughout your code to ensure a smooth execution.