material ui icons

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    printf("Material UI Icons in C\n");

    // Your code for Material UI Icons goes here

    return 0;

To use Material UI Icons in C, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include Required Libraries: Use #include directives to include necessary libraries. For Material UI Icons, specific libraries or headers might not be available directly in C. You may need to use a different approach or find a C library that provides access to these icons.

  2. Implementation: Implement the logic to display or use the Material UI Icons. This might involve using external resources, libraries, or even creating your own functions to draw or represent these icons within your C program.

Remember, displaying Material UI Icons in a C program might not have direct support as it does in web development or other environments. You may need to use ASCII art, external image rendering libraries, or other techniques to represent icons within the console or graphical user interface.