arduino wait

Sure! Here is an explanation for each step of using the delay() function in Arduino:

  1. The delay() function is a built-in function in Arduino that allows you to pause the execution of your program for a specified amount of time.

  2. When you call the delay() function, you provide it with a single argument, which is the number of milliseconds you want to pause for. For example, delay(1000) will pause the program for 1 second.

  3. Under the hood, the delay() function uses a timer to keep track of the elapsed time. It starts the timer when you call delay(), and it continues running until the specified number of milliseconds has passed.

  4. While the delay() function is running, your Arduino cannot perform any other tasks. It is essentially "blocked" or "stuck" at the delay() statement until the specified time has elapsed.

  5. Once the specified time has passed, the delay() function returns, and your program continues executing from where it left off.

  6. It's important to note that using delay() can make your program unresponsive and prevent it from doing other tasks during the delay period. If you need to perform other tasks while waiting, you should consider using non-blocking techniques like using millis() or implementing a state machine.

That's it! Using the delay() function in Arduino is a simple way to introduce pauses in your program, but it's important to be aware of its limitations and consider alternative approaches when necessary.