mongodb delete all documents

To delete all documents in MongoDB using the C language, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Connect to the MongoDB server: Start by establishing a connection to the MongoDB server using the appropriate connection string. This connection string contains information such as the server address, port number, and authentication credentials if required.

  2. Select the target database: Once connected, select the database where the documents you want to delete are located. Use the mongoc_client_get_database() function to access the desired database.

  3. Select the target collection: After selecting the database, choose the collection within that database from which you want to delete the documents. Use the mongoc_database_get_collection() function to access the desired collection.

  4. Delete all documents: To delete all documents in the collection, you can use the mongoc_collection_delete_many() function. Pass an empty BSON document as the filter parameter to indicate that all documents should be deleted. This function will return a mongoc_delete_result_t object that can be used to check if the deletion was successful.

  5. Handle the result: Check the result returned by the mongoc_collection_delete_many() function to ensure that the deletion operation was successful. You can use the mongoc_delete_result_t object to access information such as the number of documents deleted.

  6. Clean up resources: Once the deletion operation is complete, release any resources that were allocated during the process. Close the connections to the MongoDB server using the appropriate functions, such as mongoc_collection_destroy() and mongoc_database_destroy().

Note: The specific function names and syntax may vary depending on the MongoDB C driver version you are using. Be sure to refer to the documentation of the MongoDB C driver you are using for the exact function names and syntax.