what the value in array not initialized yet c

Explanation of uninitialized values in C arrays

In C, when an array is declared but not explicitly initialized, the values of its elements are undefined. This means that the values could be any arbitrary values that happen to be in memory at the time. The uninitialized values in an array can be garbage values, leftover values from previous operations, or even values that were previously stored in the same memory location.

It is important to note that relying on uninitialized values in C can lead to undefined behavior, as the values can be unpredictable and inconsistent. Therefore, it is good practice to always initialize arrays before using them to ensure predictable and reliable behavior.

Here is an example to illustrate the concept:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   int arr[5]; // Declare an array of 5 integers without initializing

   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      printf("%d ", arr[i]); // Print the values of the uninitialized array

   return 0;

In this example, the array arr is declared but not initialized. When the program tries to print the values of the array, it will display whatever values happen to be in memory at the corresponding locations. These values are unpredictable and can vary each time the program is run.

It is important to initialize the array before using it to avoid relying on uninitialized values. For example, you can initialize the array with zeros using the following code:

int arr[5] = {0};

This will set all the elements of the array to zero, providing a predictable and consistent initial state.

Note: The information provided above is based on general knowledge of the C programming language and does not require specific sources for citation.