google translate

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char input[1000];

    // Step 1: Get user input
    printf("Enter a sentence: ");
    fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

    // Step 2: Open a pipe to Google Translate
    FILE *pipe = popen("trans -b :en", "w");

    // Step 3: Check if the pipe is successfully opened
    if (pipe == NULL) {
        perror("Error opening pipe to Google Translate");
        return 1;

    // Step 4: Remove the newline character from the input
    size_t len = strlen(input);
    if (input[len - 1] == '\n') {
        input[len - 1] = '\0';

    // Step 5: Send the user input to Google Translate
    fprintf(pipe, "%s", input);

    // Step 6: Read and print the translated output
    printf("Translated sentence: ");
    char output[1000];
    while (fgets(output, sizeof(output), pipe) != NULL) {
        printf("%s", output);

    // Step 7: Close the pipe

    return 0;