fifo page algorithm in C

Sure! Here is an example of a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) page replacement algorithm implemented in C, along with explanations for each step:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_FRAMES 3

int main() {
    int reference_string[] = {2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2, 5, 2};
    int num_references = sizeof(reference_string) / sizeof(reference_string[0]);

    int frames[MAX_FRAMES];
    int frame_count = 0;

    int page_faults = 0;
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < num_references; i++) {
        int page = reference_string[i];

        int page_found = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < frame_count; j++) {
            if (frames[j] == page) {
                page_found = 1;

        if (!page_found) {
            if (frame_count < MAX_FRAMES) {
                frames[frame_count] = page;
            } else {
                for (j = 0; j < MAX_FRAMES - 1; j++) {
                    frames[j] = frames[j + 1];
                frames[MAX_FRAMES - 1] = page;

        printf("Reference: %d, Frames: ", reference_string[i]);
        for (j = 0; j < frame_count; j++) {
            printf("%d ", frames[j]);

    printf("Total Page Faults: %d\n", page_faults);

    return 0;

Explanation of each step:

  1. We start by including the necessary header file stdio.h for input/output operations.
  2. We define a constant MAX_FRAMES to represent the maximum number of frames in the page table.
  3. In the main function, we declare an array reference_string that represents the sequence of page references. We also calculate the number of references using the sizeof operator.
  4. We declare an array frames to represent the frames in the page table, and initialize a variable frame_count to keep track of the number of frames currently occupied.
  5. We initialize a variable page_faults to keep track of the number of page faults that occur.
  6. We use a loop to iterate through each page reference in the reference_string.
  7. For each page reference, we check if the page is already present in one of the frames by iterating through the frames using another loop.
  8. If the page is found in one of the frames, we set the page_found flag to 1 and break out of the loop.
  9. If the page is not found in any of the frames, we check if there is still space in the frames (i.e., frame_count is less than MAX_FRAMES).
  10. If there is space in the frames, we add the page to the next available frame and increment the frame_count.
  11. If there is no space in the frames, we use another loop to shift all the frames by one position to the left, discarding the oldest page in the process. We then add the new page to the last frame.
  12. After updating the frames, we increment the page_faults count.
  13. We then print the current reference and the frames.
  14. After the loop finishes, we print the total number of page faults.
  15. Finally, we return 0 to indicate successful program execution.

This FIFO page replacement algorithm works by replacing the oldest page in the frames whenever a page fault occurs. It maintains a queue-like behavior where the page that was first loaded into the frames is the first one to be replaced. The algorithm keeps track of the frames using an array and updates the frames and page fault count accordingly.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.