matlab c compiler online free

Step 1: Open a web browser and navigate to the MathWorks website.

Step 2: Locate and click on the "MATLAB Compiler" section.

Step 3: Find and select the "MATLAB Compiler Online" option.

Step 4: Sign in or create a MathWorks account if prompted.

Step 5: Access the MATLAB Compiler Online environment.

Step 6: Upload your MATLAB code or script to the online compiler.

Step 7: Configure the compiler settings if necessary.

Step 8: Initiate the compilation process.

Step 9: Wait for the compiler to finish processing your MATLAB code.

Step 10: Download the compiled C code or executable file.

Step 11: Test the compiled C code or executable on your local machine.

Note: Ensure that your MATLAB code is compatible with the MATLAB Compiler and make any necessary adjustments before compilation.