Navigator.of(context).pop(); gives black screen instead of closing draer

The code Navigator.of(context).pop(); is used in Flutter to close or pop the topmost route from the navigation stack. When this code is executed, it typically removes the current screen from view and returns the user to the previous screen. However, in this case, it seems to be resulting in a black screen instead of closing the drawer.

To understand why this is happening, we need to analyze each step involved in the code:

  1. Navigator.of(context): This returns the NavigatorState associated with the given BuildContext. The NavigatorState is responsible for managing the navigation stack and performing navigation operations.

  2. pop(): This method is called on the NavigatorState and is used to remove the topmost route from the navigation stack. When pop() is invoked without any arguments, it removes the current route from the stack.

Based on the provided information, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the black screen issue. However, here are a few possible reasons:

  1. Incorrect context: Ensure that the context being passed to Navigator.of(context) is the correct BuildContext. If an incorrect context is used, it may lead to unexpected behavior.

  2. Drawer state: Check if the drawer is in an open state when Navigator.of(context).pop() is called. If the drawer is still open, it is possible that the black screen is caused by the drawer overlaying the previous screen.

  3. Navigation stack: Verify the structure and state of the navigation stack. It is possible that the expected previous screen is not in the navigation stack, leading to a black screen when pop() is called.

To further investigate and resolve the issue, it would be helpful to provide more context and code snippets related to the implementation of the drawer and the navigation stack.