string to int

Converting a String to an Integer in C

To convert a string to an integer in C, you can use the atoi function from the stdlib.h library. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Include the Required Header File:
  2. Include the stdlib.h header file at the beginning of your program to use the atoi function.

  3. Use the atoi Function:

  4. The atoi function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by str to an integer representation.
  5. Here's an example of how to use the atoi function: ```c #include #include

    int main() { char str[] = "12345"; int num = atoi(str); printf("The integer value is: %d\n", num); return 0; } ```

  6. Explanation of the Code:

  7. In this example, the string "12345" is converted to an integer using the atoi function.
  8. The resulting integer value is then printed to the console.

  9. Compile and Run the Program:

  10. After writing the code, compile and run the program to see the output.

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