comando para ejecutar hilos en c

The command to execute threads in C is pthread_create. Here are the steps to use this command:

  1. Include the necessary header file: #include <pthread.h>. This header file provides the necessary functions and data types for working with threads.

  2. Define the thread function: Create a function that will be executed by the thread. This function should have a void return type and a void parameter. For example:

c void thread_function(void arg) { // Thread code goes here return NULL; }

  1. Declare a variable of type pthread_t to represent the thread. For example: pthread_t thread_id;.

  2. Call the pthread_create function to create the thread. This function takes four arguments:

  3. A pointer to the pthread_t variable that will hold the thread identifier.

  4. A pointer to a pthread_attr_t object that specifies the attributes for the thread. You can pass NULL for default attributes.
  5. A pointer to the thread function.
  6. An optional argument that can be passed to the thread function.

For example:

c pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, thread_function, NULL);

This function creates a new thread and starts executing the thread function.

  1. After creating the thread, you can continue with the main program code. The thread will run concurrently with the main program.

  2. To wait for the thread to finish execution, you can call the pthread_join function. This function takes two arguments: the thread identifier and a pointer to a variable that will hold the thread's exit status. For example:

c pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);

This function blocks the calling thread until the specified thread terminates.

That's it! These are the steps to execute threads in C using the pthread_create command.