vowel and consonant C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char ch;

    // Step 1: Read a character from the user
    printf("Enter a character: ");
    scanf("%c", &ch);

    // Step 2: Check if the entered character is an alphabet
    if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) {

        // Step 3: Check if the entered character is a vowel
        if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'u' ||
            ch == 'A' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'I' || ch == 'O' || ch == 'U') {
            printf("%c is a vowel.\n", ch);
        } else {
            // Step 4: If not a vowel, then it is a consonant
            printf("%c is a consonant.\n", ch);

    } else {
        // Step 5: If not an alphabet, it is neither a vowel nor a consonant
        printf("%c is not an alphabet.\n", ch);

    return 0;