C How to use enums for flags?

#include <stdio.h>

// Define an enum type named Flags
enum Flags {
    FLAG_A = 1,  // Define FLAG_A with value 1
    FLAG_B = 2,  // Define FLAG_B with value 2
    FLAG_C = 4,  // Define FLAG_C with value 4
    FLAG_D = 8   // Define FLAG_D with value 8

int main() {
    // Declare a variable of type enum Flags
    enum Flags myFlags = FLAG_A | FLAG_C; // Set myFlags with FLAG_A and FLAG_C using bitwise OR

    // Check if FLAG_A is set in myFlags
    if (myFlags & FLAG_A) {
        printf("FLAG_A is set\n");

    // Check if FLAG_B is set in myFlags
    if (myFlags & FLAG_B) {
        printf("FLAG_B is set\n");
    } else {
        printf("FLAG_B is not set\n");

    // Check if FLAG_C is set in myFlags
    if (myFlags & FLAG_C) {
        printf("FLAG_C is set\n");

    // Check if FLAG_D is set in myFlags
    if (myFlags & FLAG_D) {
        printf("FLAG_D is set\n");
    } else {
        printf("FLAG_D is not set\n");

    return 0;