passing two dimensional array to function in c

Passing a Two-Dimensional Array to a Function in C

To pass a two-dimensional array to a function in C, you can use the array notation in the function parameter declaration. Here are the steps to pass a two-dimensional array to a function in C:

  1. Declare the function prototype: Begin by declaring the function prototype, which includes the function name, return type, and parameters. In this case, the parameter should be a two-dimensional array. The syntax for declaring a two-dimensional array parameter is as follows:

c void functionName(dataType arrayName[rowSize][columnSize]);

  • functionName: The name of the function.
  • dataType: The data type of the elements in the array.
  • arrayName: The name of the two-dimensional array parameter.
  • rowSize: The number of rows in the array.
  • columnSize: The number of columns in the array.

  • Define the function: After declaring the function prototype, define the function body. Inside the function, you can access and manipulate the elements of the two-dimensional array using the array notation.

  • Call the function: To pass a two-dimensional array to the function, you need to pass the array name as an argument when calling the function. The array name itself acts as a pointer to the first element of the array, so you don't need to use the address-of operator (&) when passing the array.

c functionName(arrayName);

  • arrayName: The name of the two-dimensional array.

  • Access the array elements in the function: Inside the function, you can access the elements of the two-dimensional array using the array notation. Remember that the array is passed by reference, so any changes made to the array inside the function will affect the original array.

c void functionName(dataType arrayName[rowSize][columnSize]) { // Access and manipulate the elements of the array }

  • dataType: The data type of the elements in the array.
  • arrayName: The name of the two-dimensional array parameter.
  • rowSize: The number of rows in the array.
  • columnSize: The number of columns in the array.

That's it! You have successfully passed a two-dimensional array to a function in C. Remember to adjust the function parameter declaration and function definition according to the size and data type of your specific two-dimensional array.