C to C++ online Converter

C to C++ Online Converter

To convert C code to C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Understand the Differences Between C and C++:
  2. C and C++ are similar but have some differences. C++ is a superset of C, so most C programs can be compiled using a C++ compiler without any changes. However, there are some differences in syntax and features between the two languages.

  3. Update Header Files:

  4. In C++, the standard C headers like <stdio.h> are available as <cstdio>, <stdlib.h> as <cstdlib>, and so on. You should update the header files accordingly.

  5. Use iostream Instead of stdio.h:

  6. In C++, you should use iostream for input and output operations instead of stdio.h. For example, printf becomes std::cout and scanf becomes std::cin.

  7. Replace malloc with new and free with delete:

  8. In C++, memory allocation and deallocation are typically done using new and delete instead of malloc and free.

  9. Use std::string Instead of Character Arrays:

  10. In C++, you can use std::string for string manipulation instead of character arrays.

  11. Use class and struct Instead of Just struct:

  12. In C++, struct and class are almost the same, but in C++, struct can have member functions and access specifiers.

  13. Use bool Instead of boolean:

  14. In C++, you should use bool for boolean values instead of boolean.

  15. Use namespace for Standard Library Functions:

  16. In C++, you should use the std namespace for standard library functions. For example, printf becomes std::printf.

  17. Compile and Test:

  18. After making these changes, you can compile the code using a C++ compiler and test it to ensure that it behaves as expected.

  19. Consider Language-Specific Features:

    • C++ has additional features such as templates, exceptions, and references that you may want to consider using in your code.

Remember that not all C code needs to be converted to C++. If the C code is working fine and there is no specific need for C++ features, it can continue to be used as is.
