return multiple values typing in golang

To return multiple values in Go, you can use the following syntax:

func functionName() (returnType1, returnType2, ...) {
    // function body
    return value1, value2, ...

Here's a step-by-step explanation of the process:

  1. Define a function with the func keyword, followed by the function name. For example:
func calculate() (int, int) {
    // function body
  1. Within the parentheses (), specify the return types for each value that the function will return. Separate multiple return types with commas. For example, (int, int) indicates that the function will return two integer values.

  2. Write the function body within curly braces {}. This is where you'll define the logic of the function. For example:

func calculate() (int, int) {
    a := 10
    b := 20
    return a, b
  1. Within the function body, use the return statement followed by the values you want to return. Ensure that the number and types of the values match the defined return types. In the example above, return a, b returns the values of a and b as integers.

  2. Call the function and capture the returned values. For example:

x, y := calculate()

Here, x and y are variables that will store the returned values from the calculate function. The number of variables on the left-hand side of the assignment operator (:=) should match the number of return values from the function.

That's it! You have successfully returned multiple values from a function in Go. Remember to adjust the return types and values according to your specific needs.