C Syntax of struct

C Syntax of struct

In the C programming language, a struct is a user-defined data type that allows you to combine different types of variables into a single entity. It is used to create a composite data structure that can hold multiple pieces of related information.

The syntax for defining a struct in C is as follows:

struct struct_name {
    data_type1 member1;
    data_type2 member2;
    // ...
  • struct_name is the name of the struct type.
  • data_type1, data_type2, etc., are the data types of the members.
  • member1, member2, etc., are the names of the members.

Here's an example of a struct definition:

struct Person {
    char name[50];
    int age;
    float height;

In this example, we define a struct named Person with three members: name, age, and height. The name member is an array of characters, age is an integer, and height is a floating-point number.

To declare a variable of the struct type, you can use the following syntax:

struct struct_name variable_name;

For example:

struct Person person1;

To access the members of a struct variable, you use the dot (.) operator. For example, to assign a value to the name member of person1, you can do:

strcpy(person1.name, "John");

To access the value of a struct member, you can use the dot operator as well. For example, to print the value of the age member of person1, you can do:

printf("Age: %d\n", person1.age);

Structs can also be used as members of other structs, allowing you to create nested data structures.

That's the basic syntax of a struct in C. It provides a way to define custom data types that can hold multiple related pieces of information.