c concatenate and allocate string

To concatenate and allocate strings in C, you can use the strcat function. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Declare the destination buffer: Start by declaring a character array that will serve as the destination buffer. This buffer should have enough space to store the concatenated string. For example: c char dest[100];

  2. Initialize the destination buffer: You can initialize the destination buffer with an initial string using the strcpy function. This step is optional if you want to start with an empty string. For example: c strcpy(dest, "Hello");

  3. Declare the source string: Declare a constant character array or a string literal that will serve as the source string. For example: c const char src[] = " World!";

  4. Concatenate the strings: Use the strcat function to concatenate the source string to the end of the destination buffer. The strcat function takes two arguments: the destination buffer and the source string. For example: c strcat(dest, src);

After this step, the destination buffer will contain the concatenated string.

  1. Print or use the concatenated string: You can now print or use the concatenated string stored in the destination buffer. For example: c printf("%s\n", dest);

This will output: "Hello World!"

It's important to note that when using strcat, you need to ensure that the destination buffer has enough space to accommodate the concatenated string. If the destination buffer is not large enough, it can lead to buffer overflow and undefined behavior.

Here's an example that demonstrates the concatenation and allocation of strings in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char dest[100];
    strcpy(dest, "Hello");

    const char src[] = " World!";
    strcat(dest, src);

    printf("%s\n", dest);

    return 0;

This program will output: "Hello World!"

Please note that the example provided is for demonstration purposes and may not handle all possible edge cases. It's important to ensure proper memory allocation and error handling in real-world scenarios.