swap two numbers in c

Swapping Two Numbers in C

To swap two numbers in C, you can use a temporary variable to hold the value of one number while you assign the value of the other number to it. Then, you can assign the value of the temporary variable to the second number. Here are the steps to swap two numbers in C:

  1. Declare two variables to hold the numbers you want to swap. For example, let's say you have two variables a and b: c int a = 5; int b = 10;

  2. Declare a temporary variable to hold the value of one of the numbers. For example: c int temp;

  3. Assign the value of the first number to the temporary variable: c temp = a;

  4. Assign the value of the second number to the first number: c a = b;

  5. Assign the value of the temporary variable to the second number: c b = temp;

After these steps, the values of a and b will be swapped. In this example, a will have the value of 10, and b will have the value of 5.

Please note that these steps assume you are swapping integer values. If you are working with other data types, such as floating-point numbers or characters, you would need to adjust the data types accordingly.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.