sstf program in c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int abs_diff(int a, int b) {
    return abs(a - b);

int sstf(int arr[], int head, int size) {
    int total_distance = 0;
    int visited[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        visited[i] = 0;

    int current = head;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        int min_distance = __INT_MAX__;
        int next;

        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (!visited[j] && abs_diff(arr[j], current) < min_distance) {
                min_distance = abs_diff(arr[j], current);
                next = j;

        visited[next] = 1;
        total_distance += min_distance;
        current = arr[next];

    return total_distance;

int main() {
    int arr[] = {176, 79, 34, 60, 92, 11, 41, 114};
    int head = 50;
    int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

    int distance = sstf(arr, head, size);
    printf("Total distance: %d\n", distance);

    return 0;

Explanation of the SSTF Program in C

The provided program is an implementation of the Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) disk scheduling algorithm. It calculates the total distance traveled by the disk head when accessing a sequence of disk requests.

Step 1: Including necessary libraries The program begins by including the necessary libraries - stdio.h and stdlib.h. These libraries provide functions for input/output operations and memory allocation, respectively.

Step 2: Defining the absolute difference function The program defines a helper function abs_diff that calculates the absolute difference between two integers. It takes two integers a and b as parameters and returns the absolute difference between them using the abs function from the stdlib.h library.

Step 3: Implementing the SSTF function The program defines the sstf function, which takes an array arr representing the disk request sequence, an integer head representing the current position of the disk head, and an integer size representing the size of the array.

Step 4: Initializing variables In the sstf function, the total distance traveled by the disk head is initialized to 0. An array visited of size size is created to keep track of visited disk requests. Each element of the visited array is initialized to 0, indicating that no requests have been visited yet.

Step 5: Processing the disk requests Inside a loop that iterates size times, the program finds the request with the minimum seek time from the current disk head position. It initializes the min_distance variable to a large value (__INT_MAX__) and the next variable to store the index of the next request.

Step 6: Finding the next request Another loop is used to iterate through the disk requests. For each request that has not been visited yet (!visited[j]), the program calculates the absolute difference between the request and the current disk head position using the abs_diff function. If this difference is smaller than the current minimum distance, it updates the min_distance and next variables.

Step 7: Marking the next request as visited After finding the next request with the minimum seek time, the program marks it as visited by setting visited[next] to 1.

Step 8: Updating the total distance The program adds the minimum seek time (stored in min_distance) to the total_distance variable.

Step 9: Updating the current disk head position The program updates the current disk head position to the position of the next request (current = arr[next]).

Step 10: Returning the total distance After processing all disk requests, the sstf function returns the total_distance traveled by the disk head.

Step 11: Implementing the main function The program defines the main function, which is the entry point of the program. It initializes an array arr with a sequence of disk requests, sets the initial position of the disk head (head), and calculates the size of the array (size).

Step 12: Calculating and printing the total distance The program calls the sstf function with the provided disk requests, head position, and array size. It stores the returned total distance in the distance variable and prints it using the printf function.

Step 13: Returning from the main function The main function returns 0, indicating successful execution of the program.