helloworld c

The "Hello, World!" program in C is a simple program that outputs the phrase "Hello, World!" to the console. Here are the steps to write and execute the program:

  1. Create a new C file: Open a text editor and create a new file with a .c extension, such as "hello.c".

  2. Include the necessary header file: At the beginning of the file, include the stdio.h header file using the #include directive. This allows you to use functions like printf() for output.

  3. Write the main() function: In C, every program must have a main() function. Declare the main() function with the following syntax: int main(). The int keyword specifies the return type of the function.

  4. Write the printf() statement: Inside the main() function, use the printf() function to display the "Hello, World!" message. The printf() function takes a string as its argument, which is enclosed in double quotation marks.

  5. Return a value from main(): After printing the message, add the return statement to the main() function. Typically, a return value of 0 is used to indicate successful execution of the program.

  6. Save the file: Save the file with the .c extension.

  7. Compile the program: Open a command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where the file is saved, and compile the program using a C compiler. For example, if you have GCC installed, you can use the command "gcc hello.c -o hello" to compile the program and generate an executable file named "hello".

  8. Execute the program: After successful compilation, run the program by typing the name of the executable file in the command prompt or terminal. For example, if the executable file is named "hello", type "hello" and press Enter. The program will then display the "Hello, World!" message.

That's it! You have successfully written and executed a "Hello, World!" program in C.