C/AL Convertion of Decimal to String/Text

Converting Decimal to String/Text in C/AL

To convert a decimal number to a string/text in C/AL, you can use the FORMAT function. Here are the steps to convert a decimal to a string/text in C/AL:

  1. Declare a decimal variable to hold the decimal number.
  2. Declare a text variable to hold the converted string/text.
  3. Assign the decimal value to the decimal variable.
  4. Use the FORMAT function to convert the decimal to a string/text and assign it to the text variable.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the conversion:

DECIMAL := 123.45;

In this example, the decimal value 123.45 is assigned to the DECIMAL variable. The FORMAT function is then used to convert the decimal to a string/text, and the result is assigned to the TEXT variable.

Please note that C/AL is a programming language used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV (formerly Navision), and it has been replaced by AL in newer versions of the software. If you are using a newer version of Dynamics NAV or Business Central, you should consider using AL instead of C/AL.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.