Input size and elements

Language: C

To take input size and elements in C, you can use the following steps:

  1. Include necessary header files:
  2. Include the standard input/output library to use functions like printf and scanf.
  3. Include the standard library to use functions like malloc for dynamic memory allocation.

c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

  1. Declare variables for input size and elements:
  2. Declare variables to store the size of the input and the elements themselves.

c int size; int *arr;

  1. Prompt user for input size:
  2. Use printf to prompt the user to enter the size of the input.

c printf("Enter the size of the input: ");

  1. Read input size from the user:
  2. Use scanf to read the input size provided by the user.

c scanf("%d", &size);

  1. Allocate memory for the elements:
  2. Use malloc to allocate memory for the elements based on the input size.

c arr = (int )malloc(size sizeof(int));

  1. Prompt user for input elements:
  2. Use a loop to prompt the user to enter each element of the array.

c for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf("Enter element %d: ", i+1); scanf("%d", &arr[i]); }

  1. Process the input elements:
  2. Perform any necessary operations on the input elements based on the requirements of your program.

  3. Free allocated memory:

  4. After using the dynamically allocated memory, free it to prevent memory leaks.

c free(arr);

By following these steps, you can efficiently take input size and elements in C.