format specifiers in c

%d: Integer format specifier - Used for formatting and printing integers.

%f: Float format specifier - Used for formatting and printing floating-point numbers.

%c: Character format specifier - Used for formatting and printing characters.

%s: String format specifier - Used for formatting and printing strings.

%p: Pointer format specifier - Used for formatting and printing memory addresses.

%x or %X: Hexadecimal format specifier - Used for formatting and printing integers in hexadecimal (lowercase or uppercase).

%o: Octal format specifier - Used for formatting and printing integers in octal.

%u: Unsigned Integer format specifier - Used for formatting and printing unsigned integers.

%e or %E: Scientific notation format specifier - Used for formatting and printing floating-point numbers in scientific notation.

%g or %G: Compact format specifier - Used for formatting and printing floating-point numbers in either decimal or scientific notation, depending on the value.

%a or %A: Hexadecimal floating-point format specifier - Used for formatting and printing floating-point numbers in hexadecimal.

%ld or %lu: Long Integer format specifier - Used for formatting and printing long integers (signed or unsigned).

%lld or %llu: Long Long Integer format specifier - Used for formatting and printing long long integers (signed or unsigned).

%hd or %hu: Short Integer format specifier - Used for formatting and printing short integers (signed or unsigned).

%Lf: Long Double format specifier - Used for formatting and printing long double floating-point numbers.

%Lf: Long Double format specifier (alternative) - Some compilers may use %Lf instead of %Lf for long double format.

%n: Number of characters written so far format specifier - Used for obtaining the number of characters written by the printf function.

Note: The explanations provided here are concise and may not cover all nuances. Refer to the C standard or documentation for a comprehensive understanding of format specifiers.