
Step 1: Declare the necessary variables.

Step 2: Initialize the variables with their respective values.

Step 3: Create a loop to iterate through the slides.

Step 4: Inside the loop, check if the current slide is the first slide.

Step 5: If the current slide is the first slide, display a message indicating that it is the first slide.

Step 6: If the current slide is not the first slide, display a message indicating the slide number.

Step 7: Check if the current slide is the last slide.

Step 8: If the current slide is the last slide, display a message indicating that it is the last slide.

Step 9: If the current slide is not the last slide, continue to the next iteration of the loop.

Step 10: End the loop.

Step 11: Display a message indicating that the slides have been processed.

Step 12: End the program.