set all pins as input for loop

Here are the steps to set all pins as input in the C programming language:

  1. Include the necessary header file: #include <stdio.h>

  2. Define the port and direction register: #define PORT_A 0x01 #define DDR_A 0x02

  3. Declare the function to set all pins as input: void setAllPinsAsInput();

  4. Implement the function: ``` void setAllPinsAsInput() { volatile unsigned char portA = (unsigned char ) PORT_A; volatile unsigned char ddrA = (unsigned char ) DDR_A;

    *ddrA = 0x00; } ```

In this function, we declare two pointers portA and ddrA as volatile unsigned char pointers. The volatile keyword ensures that the compiler doesn't optimize away the pointer accesses since we are directly manipulating hardware registers.

We then assign the memory addresses of the port and direction registers to these pointers by typecasting them to unsigned char *.

Finally, we set the value of the direction register (*ddrA) to 0x00. This sets all pins of port A as input.

  1. In the main function, call the setAllPinsAsInput function: int main() { setAllPinsAsInput(); return 0; }

This will execute the setAllPinsAsInput function and set all pins of port A as input.

Note: Please make sure to replace PORT_A and DDR_A with the actual memory addresses of the port and direction registers you are working with.