sizeof file c

To find the size of a file in C, you can use the sizeof operator. However, it's important to note that the sizeof operator in C is used to determine the size of a data type or a variable, not the size of a file. To determine the size of a file, you need to use file handling functions provided by the C standard library.

Here are the steps to find the size of a file in C:

  1. Open the file: Use the fopen function to open the file in the desired mode (e.g., read mode, write mode, etc.). The function returns a file pointer that you can use to perform operations on the file.

  2. Move the file pointer to the end of the file: Use the fseek function to move the file pointer to the end of the file. This step is necessary to determine the size of the file accurately.

  3. Get the current position of the file pointer: Use the ftell function to get the current position of the file pointer. This position represents the size of the file in bytes.

  4. Close the file: Use the fclose function to close the file and release any resources associated with it.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to find the size of a file in C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    FILE *file;
    long size;

    // Open the file in read mode
    file = fopen("filename.txt", "r");

    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open the file.\n");
        return 1;

    // Move the file pointer to the end of the file
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);

    // Get the current position of the file pointer (size of the file)
    size = ftell(file);

    printf("Size of the file: %ld bytes\n", size);

    // Close the file

    return 0;

Please note that you need to replace "filename.txt" with the actual name of the file you want to find the size of. Also, make sure the file exists in the same directory as the C program or provide the correct path to the file.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.