write varriable in file C

Certainly! Here's an example of defining variables in a C file:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Declare variables
    int integerVar;
    float floatVar;
    char charVar;

    // Assign values to variables
    integerVar = 10;
    floatVar = 3.14;
    charVar = 'A';

    // Display the values
    printf("Integer Variable: %d\n", integerVar);
    printf("Float Variable: %f\n", floatVar);
    printf("Character Variable: %c\n", charVar);

    return 0;

Explanation: - #include <stdio.h>: This line includes the standard input-output library header file, which provides functions like printf and scanf. - int main() { }: The main function where the program execution begins. - int integerVar; float floatVar; char charVar;: Variable declarations for an integer, a floating-point number, and a character. - integerVar = 10; floatVar = 3.14; charVar = 'A';: Assigning values to the declared variables. - printf(): Function to display output to the console. - %d, %f, %c: Format specifiers used in printf to display integer, float, and character values respectively. - return 0;: Indicates successful execution of the program by returning 0 from the main() function.