implement crc using c language

Sure! Here is an example of how you can implement CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) using the C language, along with explanations for each step:

#include <stdio.h>

// Function to perform CRC
unsigned int performCRC(unsigned char message[], int messageSize, unsigned int polynomial) {
    unsigned int crc = 0; // CRC value initialized to 0

    // Perform CRC calculation for each byte in the message
    for (int i = 0; i < messageSize; i++) {
        crc ^= message[i] << 8; // XOR the message byte with the current CRC value shifted left by 8 bits

        // Perform XOR operation for each bit in the message byte
        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            if (crc & 0x8000) { // If the leftmost bit of the current CRC value is 1
                crc = (crc << 1) ^ polynomial; // Shift CRC value left by 1 bit and XOR with the polynomial
            } else {
                crc <<= 1; // Shift CRC value left by 1 bit

    return crc; // Return the final CRC value

int main() {
    unsigned char message[] = "Hello, world!"; // Example message
    int messageSize = sizeof(message) - 1; // Calculate the size of the message

    unsigned int polynomial = 0x1021; // CRC-16 polynomial (x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1)
    unsigned int crc = performCRC(message, messageSize, polynomial); // Calculate the CRC value

    printf("CRC value: %04X\n", crc); // Print the CRC value in hexadecimal format

    return 0;


  1. Include the necessary header file stdio.h for input/output operations.

  2. Define a function performCRC that takes the message array, message size, and the polynomial as parameters. This function will calculate and return the CRC value.

  3. Inside the performCRC function, initialize the CRC value to 0.

  4. Iterate over each byte in the message using a for loop.

  5. XOR the current message byte with the current CRC value shifted left by 8 bits. This is done to combine the bits of the message byte with the CRC value.

  6. Perform XOR operation for each bit in the message byte using another for loop.

  7. Check if the leftmost bit of the current CRC value is 1 by using the bitwise AND operator (&) with 0x8000. If it is 1, shift the CRC value left by 1 bit and XOR it with the polynomial. This is done to perform the division operation in CRC.

  8. If the leftmost bit of the CRC value is 0, simply shift the CRC value left by 1 bit.

  9. Repeat steps 6-8 for each bit in the message byte.

  10. Repeat steps 4-9 for each byte in the message.

  11. Finally, return the CRC value.

  12. In the main function, define an example message array and calculate its size.

  13. Define the polynomial value for CRC-16.

  14. Call the performCRC function with the message, message size, and polynomial as arguments to calculate the CRC value.

  15. Print the CRC value in hexadecimal format using printf.

  16. Return 0 to indicate successful execution of the program.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.